How many of you have heard of Bakerella? Show of hands. Okay, how many of you have heard of, made, seen or been lucky enough to eat a cake pop? Well, the lovely lady that I first heard of them from was Bakerella. She has a blog/website, I have link to it on my page, and it is just pure fun and happiness. I started following her years ago and then saw her on Martha Stewart making cake pops. I think it took me about 10 seconds to run to the kitchen and try them. It is amazing how creative you can be with them and how much everyone loves them. To learn more, see her website, buy her book, check out some of my past blogs...just do something because you need to be in the know!
My girls are obsessed with her and the site as well. Not to mention cake pops. I think they have consumed more than their fair share on any given occasion. They came with me to Williams Sonoma to go to Bakerella's book signing.
Livi listening intently, trying to see through the barrage of Coach purses. |
Aha, there she is and her book is right in front. You think the cover is cute, wait until you open it up! |
Bakerella started off with a little background info on herself and then she answered questions. I know this is weird to some people, but I do feel like I know her after reading her posts for so long. We are really like, friends actually. She may not be aware of that, but I think she feels it too.
She recently had to have a kidney transplant and her mom was the one who donated her kidney. She is so approachable and kind. She is just like a cake pop. Sweet, adorable, unique, and fun.
Here I caught her beautiful smile on the way to the table to greet guests. |
When it came close to our turn, we got to meet Angie's (Bakerella) mother. She was the most delightful, warm person. I told her I was so happy that she and Angie were both well and what an amazing gift that was. She was so humble and said that as long as her little girl was going to be okay, nothing else mattered and she would do anything to keep her healthy. What a fantastic mom! She talked with my girls too and they showed her pictures of some of the pops we have done.
Getting our time with Bakerella. |
When we sat down with Bakerella, her mom called over to her and told her to look at how good our pictures were. So cute of her! Bakerella told me (ahem, yes, me!), that I had great technique and then mentioned that one the pops I did, she had just done- we thought it was kismet. Well, I did anyway. Whatever kismet is.
Do you want to know the best part about all of this? The fact that my girls and I share a love for something and it provides us joyful time together.
I didn't have to beg them to go.
I didn't have to check my watch and make sure we weren't late to run to the next activity or pick someone up.
I didn't think about laundry, cleaning, or bills.
The girls didn't have to think about homework, schedules or school.
The girls didn't care if we looked like giggling school girls.
In the end, it was just the three of us having a fun day, sharing our time together. That's what memories are made of.
I have become too aware of how quickly they are growing up. So, I consider our Bakerella day a gift that I will always look back on and smile. And I know they will too.