My oldest, dear, sweet daughter turned twelve in March. She has the second largest sweet tooth in the house, for sure. (Not disclosing who is #1, leaving that to your imagination :)
In preparation for her birthday, we spend many days talking about what type of cake she will have to celebrate her special day. This year her main request was something pink, but also with lots of chocolate. Well, the fact that my little girl was turning 12 was a bit tough for me. I know she's getting older, I can see it! I just don't have to accept it, do I? In order to keep it cute, but make it a bit more elegant for an "older" girl, I thought I would push the envelope on this one.
Twelve years old, how about a twelve layer cake! I had recently seen one posted on one of my favorite blogs, Bakerella. In an effort to bake the cake in a shorter period of time, I used twelve foil pans to bake the cakes. I could fit 3 in the oven at a time, x 2 ovens = 6 cakes x 2 = 12 cakes. Baked in less than 2 hours. Math again, I can't help it, I use to be a banker.
Here's how it all started~
Then with great patience and 3 kids googling at me, I layered each cake. OH MY! I forgot to mention that in between those lovely layers, that I colored pink- per B's request, was a chocolate ganache type icing. It was so close to heaven, that I think I heard an "AHHHH" (you know like the pearly gates opening), when I slathered it on each layer.
It dripped all over the place! When all layers where placed, I evened out the icing around the whole cake. Now this is where most "normal" people would stop.
Never been "normal", never will :)
So I made some dark chocolate cream cheese frosting and frosted the entire cake to a smooth finish. Next, I added just a touch more pink with candy hearts around the edge. Now, I didn't even want to tarnish it's beauty with a candle, but as my 7 year old pointed out, How's B gonna make a wish? So the final touch- a single candle.
Here is a look at the inside. Layers and all...
We barely put a dent into it! Maybe we had finally found a cake that my family couldn't devour in one sitting. We managed to share some slices with a selected few, who thought I was crazy- but seemed to love that fact after eating their slice.
B had dance practice on her birthday. Since the cake was for the family, we had to make another treat to share with her fellow Starlights. Sticking with our chocolate and pink theme, I made red velvet cupcake bites. (More on those lovely little morsels in another post.)

I won't be making that cake every day, that's for sure, but I would make anything and do anything for my dear girl. She has been a sweet treat from day one. She has an elegance and grace that many who are older than her, don't possess. She has such compassion and shows kindness every chance she gets. I love my B for so many reasons, sharing my affection for all things sweet, is surely one of them.
And I was afraid I taught her nothing.