My products on display at Kowalski's Market. Oh my!
I have been very fortunate to have seen my business grow so much during our first year.
Well, one of the best stores in the Twin Cities has decided to carry some of my products. Kowalski's Market. It is my happy place.
I will be in the Woodbury store tomorrow and Friday to sample my Lovely, Lovely Lemon Bread and my Practically Perfect Brownies. I will also have a basketful of Chickie Cupcake pops. No, I don't sleep and yes, everyone around me thinks I must be crazy. This is well worth all the hard work. When I went in to the store today and saw my company name and product out- I really felt so proud. That is big for me to say, because being a titch of a perfectionist, I rarely think what I do is great. But today I felt great. Now, what would make me feel even better ? (For those of you losing sleep wondering how to make me feel better) If all of you who live near here went to Kowalski's and cleaned me out! Shop around, get a coffee and enjoy. They have so many great products there and they also just opened a wine market too! Wine and sweets, who needs anything else to make a holiday weekend complete?
I do want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me and supported me throughout this venture. I will try not to get too sentimental, but without my family and friends (you know who you are) love, I may not have been where I am. We went through one of the most difficult years of our lives. Loss of jobs, loss of a loved one, stress and pressure that seemed to way us down more than we thought possible. I have always had a strong faith, but even that was tested. My dear Aunt Kris kept repeating to me that "this too shall pass" and " you will find your way out because good things happen to good people and you are one of the best". She is one of the best in my eyes and she was right. If I have any knowledge to pass on to you ( and by you, I mean that to the two of you who read this, of course), it is to just keep going. Look at what makes you smile and see if it is something that can help you move forward. When you are motivated to make your family's life better and something starts organically- go with it. Surround yourself with people who add to your life, not take from it. Be thankful for the little moments and hold on to them when they are gone. Wake up each day and let go of what got you down the day before. Hug and kiss your kids any chance you get. And eat sweets. Lots and lots of sweets. They have super healing powers and this I know to be true.
Happy Easter!