This little, well actually rather big, Teddy Bear cake was for a Teddy Bear picnic birthday party. One of my dear friends bought a gift certificate from me and donated it with a birthday party basket at her children's school auction. It was supposed to be a farm theme cake, but when the woman who received the gift card called, she asked for a teddy bear cake. I told her I would be happy to do it. Just a different kind of animal. She seemed a bit skeptical on the phone. However, she seemed very pleasantly surprised when this guy greeted her at my door. She took lots of my business cards and told me she would like to help get the word out on my business. Love when that happens.

These were some cookies that a friend ordered for her daughter's dance group. The costume for the dance was little raincoats that looked just like these cookies. Don't mind the valentine tablecloth I had on under the cookies. I like to use up old tablecloths when I am decorating. You now, living the green life over here. I will try to remove them next time before I take a picture.

This little baseball cookie was for an end of the season baseball party. Go Woodbury!

Okay, short and sweet, right? On to the next post. A real red carpet event.
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